We get questions all the time about how to ID a particular stone and it seems to be a challenge across the board for old and new. As new types of stones are being introduced into the market all the time, it has become even more difficult. We have partnered with geologist Karin Kirk to put together a kit designed to help our stone pros identify any type of stone they may come across when out on a job.
We are positive that you will find this kit to be an asset. This stone identification kit comes packed in a case of it's own with all the tools you will need to identify your stone.
The kit includes:
- Mohs' Hardness Test Kit with Mohs scale and instructions
- 1oz of HCL 10% solution in an easy to use squeeze bottle
- A magnifying glass
- A 1x4 glass tile
- 10 razor blades w/case
- Stone ID flow chart and instructions, created by Karin Kirk
HCL 10% solution has a shelf life of 3-5 years and should be stored in a cool, dry area.