MB-21 Enhance - Color Enhancing Sealer
MB-21 Enhance is a professional grade premium solvent based, VOC compliant formulation. MB-21 Enhance is an easy to use, clear, very low odor, non-flammable formula that was designed for homeowners and contractors alike. MB-21 Enhance is safe to use on food prep surfaces and is not sensitive to most common household acidic substances. The result is permanent. MB-21 Enhance provides optimum sealing capabilities, protecting against oil and water based staining agents.
Note: Color enhancers bring out the natural colors of the stone and give it that wet look.
Directions for use: Make sure the surface is thoroughly cleaned and free of debris. Wear rubber gloves and apply product liberally with a brush or clean rag to manageable areas whether on floors or countertops. Let the product sit for 15 minutes, all the while keeping the surface wet. Then remove the excess product thoroughly from the surface. DO NOT ALLOW EXCESS SEALER TO DRY ON THE SURFACE. Buff the surface with soft rags or paper towels until dry to the touch. Then proceed to the next section, overlapping the previous section, and repeat the process. A minimum of two coats is suggested. Coverage area: 100 to 200 sq feet, depending on the stone. Cure time is 24 hours before use and 36 hours for full cure.