MB-2 Alkaline HD is a highly concentrated product designed to clean the toughest soils from stone, tile, grout, and any other hard surface not harmed by water. This biodegradable, powerful cleaning agent, formulated with the latest cutting-edge technology, will clean deep into your grout and any other treated surface effectively and easily.
Directions for use:
Mix MB-2 Alkaline HD in the following proportions with hot water:
Light soiling: 3 ounces to 1 gallon of water
Medium soiling: 6 ounces to 1 gallon of water
Heavy soiling: 8 ounces to 1 gallon of water
Stronger solutions can be used for extremely soiled conditions. For routine cleaning, use MB-1 Floor Amore for floors and MB-5 Stone & More for other hard surfaces. Always test product in an inconspicuous area. Remove all loose debris from surface to be cleaned. Strip floor from wax or any topical sealers. Apply the solution liberally with a mop or a sprayer and allow product to dwell. For small areas, use a cotton rag or sponge. Level of soiling will determine dwell time. Light soiling may require a very limited dwelling time, a few minutes. The longer the product is allowed to dwell, the easier the cleaning procedure will be. Do not let the product dry on the surface being cleaned. Agitate solution with hand brush or mop. Remove solution with mop or, for best results, with a wet/dry vacuum cleaner. For small areas, use a dry cotton rag or sponge. MB-2 Alkaline HD is not a rinse free product. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of clean water. Once the floor is dry, buff to a uniform clean using a white nylon pad. To help prevent deep soiling and staining in the future, apply MB-24 Barrier.